The “Circle of Health” program has the important goal of helping to improve health in our own community, especially in these challenging times. We do this by conducting a range of health and wellness activities by utilising local expertise, and also using experts based at Rambam. Our program includes various educational seminars such as (“Meet the experts”) and practical activities.
In order to continue providing you with this important information and supporting Ramabam, we rely on your donations please DONATE now.
*All donations are tax-deductible
* Rambam Health Care Campus is a 1000-bed world-class teaching hospital based in Haifa. The patient population is diverse, as Rambam is the major referral medical center for all of Northern Israel, Serving more than 2 million residents and others referred from all over Israel, the Mediterranean region, and around the world. Rambam is respected internationally for its clinical services and innovation in medical technology.
Recordings of some of our popular meet the experts events
Personalised medicine in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, Dr. Avivit Peer
The Role of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Prof. Moshe Frenkel
Curing Cancer with Advanced Technology, Dr. Tomer Charas
Recordings - Diabetes & Covid-19 Series III
Diabetes and COVID-19: Two pandemics in collision
Diabesity (diabetes & obesity): Its double trouble
Recordings - Next Generation Therapies for Ovarian Cancer Series II
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